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BioLogiQ’s CEO, Steven Sherman, to Speak at RISE22 – A Research, Innovation, & Engineered Fabrics Conference on September 28, 2022.

Steven Sherman will be a featured presenter during the Sustainable Inputs: Fibers & Biofibers session of RISE22. Steve’s remarks are titled Novel Biobased Resins Outperforming Plastics and Other Biodegradable Biopolymers. His remarks will focus on BioLogiQ’s innovative proprietary thermal gelatinization process wherein a low-cost Thermoplastic Starch material with superior mechanical properties can be produced in pellet form.

These starch pellets, which have 100% bio content, can be conveniently blended with partner fossil fuel-based resins like PE, PP, PS etc. or Biopolymers like PLA, PBAT, PHA etc., resulting in “BioBlends”. Products made using these BioBlends exhibit either similar, or superior, mechanical properties compared to products made with 100% fossil fuel-based resins.

What’s more, in many cases, applications using these BioBlends exhibit exciting biodegradation properties without fragmentation, resulting in significantly reduced microplastics and complete biodegradation of the starch and the partner resin. Researchers at BioLogiQ are also actively working on using these BioBlends made from PP and Starch in non-Woven applications, providing a pathway for bio content, reduced microplastics, and biodegradation of non-Woven materials.