We are pleased to announce that, BioLogiQ has become a member of AMERIPEN, the American Institute for Packaging and the Environment. With similar goals of improving sustainability in packaging materials, this partnership with AMERIPEN allows BioLogiQ the opportunity to share their technology and access resources that might not otherwise be available. About AMERIPEN: AMERIPEN seeks
Physical Characteristics of BioLogiQ’s NuPlastiQ
Thermoplastic– The glass transition point is about 70 to 100 degrees centigrade Thixotropic– Exists in a solid state at room temperature but flows like a liquid when heat and pressure or frictional movement is applied. Pellets can be used the same as other petroleum-based pellets in the standard plastics production process. Excellent Gas barrier– Products
Starch for making NuPlastiQ
BioLogiQ builds factories to meet production demand around the globe. Our production process is easily scalable and we increase capacity in small increments to match demand without the need for building large-scale fermentation facilities. We make NuPlastiQ at factories that are located close to the source of raw materials and or customer factories. Each factory