IDAHO FALLS, ID- “iQ” is an innovative plant-based technology invented by BioLogiQ, Inc that reduces the persistence of uncollected plastic that makes its way into the environment. To provide additional value, the company is launching the new “iQ” labelling program, so BioLogiQ customers can communicate their environmental commitment to consumer bases at large. With the new label, brands and manufacturers can better communicate the benefits of the technology to customers and consumers.
BioLogiQ’s new “iQ” label comes with custom QR codes that help brands and manufactures show their customers there is something different about their product and packaging, and then engage with them in a novel way.

Benefits from adopting plastics with iQ Technology include:
- 植物基的成分减少了塑料生产过程对石油资源的需求
- Reduced carbon footprint when compared to fossil-based plastics (NuPlastiQ resin has a carbon neutral cradle-to-gate carbon footprint)*
- 减少塑料污染:在非一般环境下展现更快的生物降解*的潜力(标准实验室的 ASTM D5511 和 D5338)
For more information about BioLogiQ’s iQ Technology and sustainable bioplastics solutions, visit
To participate in the iQ Label Program and communicate your brand’s efforts to reduce plastic pollution, visit
* Similarly to paper, plastics that end up biodegrading will naturally emit greenhouse gases leading to an increased carbon footprint when compared to non-biodegradable plastics.